Importance of Full Funnel Focus for White Label PPC Agency
A paid search campaign is one of the most successful and powerful ways to promote any business that enables a company expands its brand awareness and boosts sales and profits. Creating and managing a Google Ads account and running a meticulously designed ad campaign will boost your organic search engine optimization efforts and that will enable you to gain maximum ROI from your ad expenses.
Selecting a suitable white label PPC service agency with an enviable brand reputation in the market is simply not enough. It may be the first crucial step in your way to make the most of your paid search campaign but there are other factors as well that should be taken into account to help your business get to the forefront of competition.
Metrics to Evaluate the Success of Your PPC Campaign
A number of metrics determine the success of a PPC campaign and it is very important to know them as these metrics give a meaningful insight into the performance of your paid search campaign. Some of the key metrics that should be tracked and mentioned in the report are the quality score, click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per conversion, wasted spend and other related factors.
What is ROAS and how to determine it?
Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) is an important metric that gives a true insight of the efficacy of a paid search campaign. A PPC expert can easily know as which methods are working and how they can improvise for future promotion in order to realize their goals and gain maximum profit. It is easy to find ROAS in business-to-consumer (B2C) PPC campaign but quite difficult to determine in the B2B world owing to the sales being completed in days, weeks or months.
A traditional PPC agency focuses its efforts in bringing about maximum conversions that simply means more and more prospects submitting a web form. However, not all conversions are successes, which mean that the client may fill in the false or incomplete data that means conversions not leading to sales. Besides this, some conversions may not be a good fit for the business leading them to be disqualified. This means that the true measure of the success of a PPC campaign for B2B can be determined only when the business gets the maximum number of qualified leads that convert into sales or closed deals.
Important Point to Consider When You Outsource PPC Agency
When you outsource paid search marketing to a white label PPC agency then you need to ensure that the agency focuses on the full funnel that is to say the agency should track the exact revenue generated from the ad spend and connect it to the number of users that typed the keywords and clicked on the ad copies. Google Ads campaign managers find this level of data quite valuable as this helps them find out the exact ROAS value and rule out any guesswork in the campaign to get sure-shot success.
Why a Full-Funnel PPC Agency is important?
A full funnel PPC agency tracks the data right from the point of search term to the cost of conversion and the number of conversions actually translating into sales and bringing revenues. Revenue based reporting has been found to be more reliable than conversions based reporting as the former shows companies which search terms and ad copies drive revenue that is of real value than the latter that shows those search terms and ad copies that drive maximum conversions but may not lead to actual sales or revenue gain.
If you are looking for a PPC agency that can take your paid search campaign to a new level then you can rely on us. Our well-trained and certified PPC experts will help you cut down cost on your PPC campaign and will facilitate your business get the maximum ROI from the same. Feel free to call any of our experts and we will not let you down.
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